Chakra Pasta Logo Creation

The package design instructor challenged the students to create a name for a pasta brand. We would branch off of this brand name with a logo design; followed by a complete pasta box design. The hardest part, at least for me, was to come up with a name. At the time, I was spending a lot of time reconnecting with an old friend from high school. She had become a student of Reiki, and I was fascinated by the amount of passion in her voice when she talked about it. That energy rubbed off on me when she started talking about chakras. For some reason, the second she said, “chakra”, my mouth quickly blurted out, “PASTA!”

We laughed for a minute; but I knew her laughter was only out of confusion. I then explained to her that I needed to come up with a name for a Pasta brand and she realized what I meant. She exclaimed that I should run with the idea and spoke more on the topic. That helped me develop mental imagery as I gazed around at her spiritual trinkets and tapestries.

Thus, Chakra Pasta had been coined.

I counted out seven chakras and experimented with some geometrical shapes. I decided that the Star of David would serve well for this purpose.

A triangle is recognized to be the strongest geometrical shape in the universe. Spiritual and strong, like the person who inspired the design; I liked where it was headed. Only…I counted seven chakras. That didn’t ruin my plan, since one chakra is visually represented outside of the body. The crown chakra (the higher self) floats above the body. That special chakra would be reserved for the center of the logo design.

As I began playing with the shape of the logo, this was where I started. I thought the points were too sharp for a spiritual theme. Nature is not clean cut; it’s organic and unstructured. The circle of life is round. So I rounded off the points for the final design.

The crown chakra is also know as “the third eye” and “the seat of the soul”. I figured I would encompass the rounded chakra symbol with a couple of lines to express its’ meaning as the third eye. I would then only have to bend the words around the eye to compliment its curves. The circle alone wasn’t enough. I located some free chakra vectors and traced them out. I determined that the logo looked a lot better with each chakra seated on its color code. The brand name would take on the pinkish hues of the crown chakra. I was satisfied with the results, and felt the job was complete.

The final logo was settled. I didn’t want to make it any more complex than it already was to incorporate seven different-colored elements into one unified image.

logo design created for a pasta brand

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