Creative Service Provider
in Massachusetts

Hello, visitor, and welcome to my portfolio page! My name is Luis Yera, and I am a graphic designer from Hudson, Massachusetts, USA.
I have always found a deep sense of peace when creating art. In my youth, i’ve spent countless hours sketching through notebook after notebook. Usually, when someone noticed my art for the first time, they would commend me and suggest that I become a tattoo artist. This kept me motivated to practice and search for a way to get paid to do what I was passionate for. As I grew older, I learned that graphic design was the proper field of study for my inherent abilities and interests. I draw inspiration from shapes and patterns found throughout nature.
My journey led me to attend New England Institute of Technology; where I learned to balance my erratic, raw art style with advanced design principles. With this sharpened creative skillset, I yearn to inspire, motivate, and improve the human experience through any and all mediums.
Contact me if you find yourself in need of creative services.
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